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How to make DV lottery photo to participate in Green Card lottery

How to make good DV lottery photo? There are 2 key moments for that:

1) Quality source photo
2) Crop the photo correctly

How to take source photo?

  • Resolution:
Your photo should be with high resolution.
  • Illumination:
Overall illumination should be good.
Face should be lit equally (one side of your face should not be brighter than the other).
Eyes should not be in shadows.
  • Hair
Your hair should not cover your eyes or come close to them.
  • Head
You should look straight in to the camera.
Both eyes should be opened.
Expression of your face should be neutral.
  • Appearance
Make sure that you not wearing glasses. Glasses are not allowed for US visa photos.
Do not wear uniforms except for religious cases.
Hats are not allowed except for religious cases.
Take off headphones, wireless hands-free devices or similar items for your photo.

  • The photo should reflect your present-day appearance. It should be less then 6 months old.
How to crop your photo correctly? It should be:

  • The height of the photo and the width should be the same.
  • From 600 x 600 pixels to 1200 x 1200 pixels.
  • The image must be in color (24 bits per pixel) in RGB.
  • File should be JPEG and exceed 240 kB.
How to crop your original photo to these dimentions? Upload it to


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